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SOCRATES OC enhances analysis and decision-making capabilities by means of an improved shared situational awareness based on relevant information about the operational situation including crisis events, missions and resources.
The information is created by the or coming from external sources. The information is displayed on a Common Operational Picture (COP). SOCRATES OC enables the exchange and sharing of the information (expandable and customizable) among SOCRATES nodes and with other external systems (using existing standards like ISO's EMSI – Emergency Management Shared Information –) enabling the reporting and tracking of events and inter-organisational tasking (mission assignment) and resource management:
- Events and their associated missions and resources are displayed in a GIS (Geographic Information System).
- Data about them are stored in a DB fully compliant with ISO’s EMSI (Emergency Management Shared Information).
- These data are replicated amongst connected Socrates OC instances, which can additionally interact for tasking and resource management.
Input data format: User input, EMSI (other system/sensor), WMS, WFS
Output data format: EMSI
Supported Use Cases
UC-01 Share situational awareness amongst Operational Centers
UC-02 Monitoring of resources
UC-03 Create and assign missions
Addressed hazards
Innovation stage
Crisis Cycle Phase
Crisis size
Supported standards
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Serwis internetowy Portfolio of Solutions został początkowo opracowany w ramach projektu DRIVER+. Obecnie serwis jest zarządzany przez AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, na rzecz Europejskiego Zarządzania Kryzysowego. PoS jest popierany i wspierany przez Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), jak również przez projekty STAMINA i TeamAware H2020. |