

Technical Director CTO & Co-Owner. Degree in Computer engineering.

Focused on driving technology and innovation for mobility, logistics and agri-food sectors for the last 15 years, having a lead role in several R&D projects as H2020 HARMONY (Mobility for urban areas); H2020 INFRAMIX (Automated driving); H2020 Clusters 2.0 (Logistics); FP7 LogiCon (logistics for SMEs), FP7 CORE project, (security on logistic chains); FP7 EuroSky project (security in airport freight operations); FP7 MyWay (Personal Mobility); FP7 ZeEUS (Electric bus); FP7 FABRIC (wireless charging for EVs); FP7 Unplugged (wireless charging for EVs). Previously, he coordinated FP7 iCargo project (logistics) and had a key role in FP7 Future Internet project SmartAgriFood. Before founding ENIDE, he had lead roles in the preparation of complex IT systems for the Athens 2004, Torino 2006 and Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

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2 jaar 2 maanden
Solutions by this user



eu De Portfolio of Solutions website  is oorspronkelijk in het kader van het DRIVER+-project ontwikkeld worden. Vandaag wordt de dienst door AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, ten behoeve van de Europese crisisbeheersing beheerd . PoS is door het Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) en door de H2020 projecten STAMINA en TeamAware gesteund.