Title | Objectives |
00 PoS content syndication HOWTO | Part of the PoS contents can be syndicated by mean of the the PoS "REST GET" export functionality. Here is how. |
Title | Objectives |
Solution Tutorial | This tutorial aims at teaching the user how to add a solution, and how to add all information on this solution. |
Title | Objectives |
Trial tutorial | This tutorial aims at teaching the user how to add a , and how to add/edit all information about this trial. |
Title | Objectives |
User Management Tutorial | This tutorial aims to show how to:
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De Portfolio of Solutions website is oorspronkelijk in het kader van het DRIVER+-project ontwikkeld worden. Vandaag wordt de dienst door AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, ten behoeve van de Europese crisisbeheersing beheerd . PoS is door het Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) en door de H2020 projecten STAMINA en TeamAware gesteund. |