Cross-agency decision support tools
Endorsed by
Crisis management in the recent COVID-19 pandemics has been impeded by lack of coherence between decision making in different agencies and at different levels.
Potential Solutions
Assuring that decision making in different stakeholder organisations and at different levels is coherent and traceable is an imperative for successful crisis management and assuring that decision making can be analysed, and lessons learnt in the aftermath of the crisis.
Rationale & related CM function(s)
Support decision making
Support shared decision making across organisations.
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Serwis internetowy Portfolio of Solutions został początkowo opracowany w ramach projektu DRIVER+. Obecnie serwis jest zarządzany przez AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, na rzecz Europejskiego Zarządzania Kryzysowego. PoS jest popierany i wspierany przez Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), jak również przez projekty STAMINA i TeamAware H2020. |