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Adequate Crisis Management legislation

Endorsed by

Provide a sound legal basis for various aspects of Crisis Management in all parts of the CM cycle.

Potential Solutions

Legislation determines the overarching approach to Crisis Management. It clarifies what is required, recommended, allowed and prohibited and thus allows the practitioner organisations to develop their operative plans. 

If local and EU legislation are misaligned, the cross-border operations and cooperation will be difficult. This can result in conflicting chains of command, conflicting operative procedures, incompatibilities between equipment used in different EU states etc.

Rationale & related CM function(s)



eu Il sito web Portfolio of Solutions è stato inizialmente sviluppato nell'ambito del progetto DRIVER+. Oggi, il servizio è gestito da AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, a beneficio della gestione europea delle . PoS è approvato e supportato dal Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) così come dai progetti STAMINA e TeamAware H2020.