Zaharia Corneliu Nicoae


Zaharia Corneliu Nicolae (male, team leader) has a PhD from the University of Bucharest, faculty of Physics. Currently he is the institute IT&C Manager, scientific researcher 1st degree. Profesional experience in the IT field - Project management and partner research team leader in national and international R&D projects: “System based on semantic knowledge and specific occupational protection against major risks (Risk-Expert)” (Contract No. 12108, 2008 2011); “The study of mechanisms of depression and anxiety by molecular dynamics simulation and docking (VIASAN Program, Contract No. 344/2004, 2004-2006, responsible); Interdisciplinary cooperation in health using telematics technology (RELANSIN Program, Contract No. 1252/2001, 2001-2003, responsible); “Management of a computerized system for collecting information and tele morbidity data analysis results in respiratory viruses, according to European standards” (Priority Program, Academy of Medical Science, Contract No. 577/4.05.1999, 1999-2001); “The study of disease / infection viral using modular systems ranked by artificial intelligence (1997 - 1999)
His scientific activity has led to 165 published articles (32 ISI, 43 reviewed in MEDLINE - NCBI USA), 7 monographs in the field of competence, 10 patents, and 215 scientific papers held in the country.

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eu Le site web Portfolio of Solutions a été initialement développé dans le cadre du projet DRIVER+. Aujourd'hui, le service est géré par AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, au profit de l'European Crisis Management. Le PoS est approuvé et soutenu par le Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) ainsi que par les projets STAMINA et TeamAware H2020.