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Ceit-IK4 is a non-profit research centre that was created by the University of Navarra in 1982. Our primary mission is to carry out applied industrial research projects under contract, working closely with our clients' R&D departments.

Ceit-IK4 promotes excellence in applied research by publishing non-confidential results, disseminating scientific and technical knowledge in a variety of venues, and training doctoral students within the framework of industrial research projects.

Ceit-IK4 seeks regular collaboration with companies in a range of sectors (railway, aeronautical, automotive, health, manufacturing, energy and environment) and strives to understand all aspects of our clients' business in order to develop high value added solutions through applied investigation projects. In addition to offering innovative solutions to our clients, Ceit-IK4 trains young researchers who are preparing to join the labour market and add value to the production system.

Ceit-IK4 shares with the University of Navarra a commitment to research and teaching, inspired by the values of Christian humanism.

Researching Today, Creating the Future

We are driven by our passion for research and our passion to advance the application of knowledge through our projects. Our commitment to excellence helps us build the future day by day.

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eu Le site web Portfolio of Solutions a été initialement développé dans le cadre du projet DRIVER+. Aujourd'hui, le service est géré par AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, au profit de l'European Crisis Management. Le PoS est approuvé et soutenu par le Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) ainsi que par les projets STAMINA et TeamAware H2020.