A container multimodal transportation scheduling approach based on immune affinity model for emergency relief
Various disasters with serious results are reported and happen around our lives. Most of them are unconventional contingency events. relief is an important activity dealing with the disasters to transfer a large number of materials to the destroyed places for casualties and reconstruction for the country, even the world. Container multimodal transportation will play an important role because of its superior characteristics. The relations in the process of supply and transportation build up the container supply chain. It is critical to schedule the multimodal transportation flow of the chain with time efficiency of higher reliability. In this study, the system of container multimodal transportation relief is modeled as an affinity network inspired by the immune system. An integer linear programming model is proposed to build the path selection for container supply chain in the context of emergency relief. The simulation study shows the promising effects of the model. The study is valuable for designing the emergency logistics management system with optimal path selection and flow design of container supply chain in environments.
Through the modelling of a multimodal transport routing optimization
Path optimization problem is modeled as a multi-objective integer linear programming model.
8 components and 11 affinity measures for the immune-inspired affinity model
Because the model is a multi-objective model, it can be transferredinto single objective the following strategy: aggregating the two objectives by weight.( For relief: time objective is the most important (weighed with 80%)
Modelling of a multimodal transport routing optimization
Try model the system of container multimodal transport relief based on immune-inspired models.
The decisional rules and dedicate models based on the affinity model should be studied to improve the current structure. Although the path optimization model has considered the cost and time, there are many other criteria of logistics that should be incorporated and compared.It is applicable to design a decision support system based on the affinity model and the optimization model
The proposed models are valuable for organizing supply and transport, and optimizing the transport process.
Focus on the demonstration of scheduling the optimal path for containermultimodal transport by the model defined, through a case inputting parameters to a multimodal transport network.
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Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects. |