Marcin Mieczysław Smolarkiewicz, was born 1974 r. in Warsaw. In 1998 he graduated at the Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University. In 2003 he received the title of doctor of physical sciences in the specialization of nuclear physics. In 2014 he received a habilitation degree in social sciences in the discipline of the science of defence (dissertation on "The theory of associated matrices and N-dimensional safety matrix - a new template methods for crisis management") at Faculty of Management and Command of National Defence University in Warsaw.
Since 2001 r. employed in the Main School of Fire Service (SGSP) as an assistant, since 2003 as an adjunct, from 01.07.2005 to 29.02.2008. – as a Head of the Educational Centre of Public Safety. In the years 2006 - 2008 was a member of the Senate of the SGSP. Currently at the Main School of Fire Service held the position of Associate Professor Faculty of Safety Engineering and Civil Protection.
From 2008 to 2015 employed at the University of Technology and Economics (formerly the School of Management and Law of H. Chodkowska) in Warsaw at position of Associate Professor, since 2009 a member of the University Senate.
The author of over forty publications (including monographs) of the national and international levels and a leader of scientific projects in the area of safety, crisis management, risk analysis and the role and methods of using information systems in safety & security.
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4 Jahre 8 Monate
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