Willem Treurniet


Willem Treurniet received his MSc degree in informatics from the Technical University of Delft In 1989. After finishing his study, he worked for TNO, a Dutch for applied scientific research. In the 1990s he became involved in several research programmes on Military Command & Control and Information Management. In 2009 Treurniet made a switch to the application domain of crisis management. In this domain he continued to apply and develop his experience in Information Management and Netcentric Operations. Since 2015 he is a strategic advisor on netcentric crisis management at IFV, the Institute for Safety.

From 2012 onwards – in addition to his positions at TNO and IFV – Treurniet became a PhD student at the VU University Amsterdam (Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Organization Sciences), studying networked organisations.

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4 Jahre 11 Monate
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