Emergency nurses and disaster response: An exploration of South Australian emergency nurses’ knowledge and perceptions of their roles in disaster response. | Summary
Data was analyzed using sum, percentage, frequency distributions and measures of central tendency. Thematic analysis was also used for the analysis of all the open ended and short answer questions. |
Full-scale regional exercises: Closing the gaps in disaster preparedness. | Summary
An after-action review was performed and subsequently reviewed for deficiencies, which were broadly defined as the inability to use tools or fully execute patient care strategies in the intended format. |
Early warning and mass evacuation in coastal cities. | Summary
This comparison verified the replicability of methodological guidelines in two different European contexts. The cultural and organizational differences and the different number of people involved underlined strong questions to be addressed when applying them. In order to assess the efficiency of an evacuation strategy and to compute the number of people successfully evacuated over time, a macroscopic model (not representing each individual vehicle but only flows of vehicles in congestion points) for the simulation of traffic congestion was used |
Do or die--Strategic decision-making following a shock event. | Summary
Prior to analysis, responses to each question were entered into appropriate cells of a spreadsheet. The data analysis employed qualitative procedures aimed at uncovering themes relating to shock events and the contextual details of their decision making prior to and following a shock event. Statements were coded firstly using an open (or initial meaning code) and secondly an axial (or categorisation of open codes) coding scheme as recommended by Miles and Huberman (1984) and also Strauss and Corbin (1998) |
Interprofessional team dynamics and information flow management in emergency departments. | Summary
Divided into three phases after the preliminary interviews with ED heads: (a) from the moment the patient arrived at triage until he/she entered the treatment room; (b) from the first visit until the second clinical assessment; and (c) from the second clinical assessment until the decision to discharge or to admit the patient. |
Leaders as emotional managers : Emotion management in response organisations during a hostage taking in a Swedish prison. | Summary
The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed according to the constant comparative method of Glaser and Strauss (1967) and clustering, a process of moving to higher levels of abstraction. |
Barriers to implementing infection prevention and control guidelines during crises: Experiences of health care professionals. | Summary
Data from questionnaires were analyzed using SPSSEach question could be answered with strongly agree/agree/rather/disagree/strongly disagree |
Multievent Crisis Management Using Noncooperative Multistep Games. | Summary
Execution Time AnalysisFairness of resource allocationThe experiments were executed on eight CPU SunOS systems with each experimental result being an average of 50 iterations of same player-resource pair. |
How Simple Hypothetical-Choice Experiments Can Be Utilized to Learn Humans’ Navigational Escape Decisions in Emergencies. | Summary
Econometric models known as discrete-choice models to infer from individuals' choices their evaluation, perception and prioritization of different attributes that contribute to their navigational decisions. |
Engineering Trust in Complex Automated Systems. | Summary
Interview analysis (no specific description) |
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Die Portfolio of Solutions Website wurde ursprünglich im Rahmen des DRIVER+ Projekts entwickelt. Heute wird das Service von der AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. zum Nutzen des europäischen Krisenmanagements betrieben. PoS ist vom Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) sowie von den H2020-Projekten STAMINA und TeamAware befürwortet und unterstützt. |