Supporting synthesis in geovisualization. | Summary
From video recordings we identified and coded actions that participants undertook to complete the synthesis task |
Simulating effects of signage, groups, and crowds on emergent evacuation patterns. | Summary
Running the simulation model |
Task force deployment for big events | Summary
The basic modelling idea is the following: The location of a task force unit can be specified by its grid rectangle. For each feasible location of a task force unit, it can then be specified in advance which grid rectangles can be accessed within a predefined response time from that location being able to take into account constructional barriers, for instance. Mathematically, a binary parameter dpqrs equal to one indicates that grid rectangle (r, s) can be reached from location (p,q) within a certain amount of response time and a value zero indicates that (r, s) cannot be reached from (p,q). Fig. 3 illustrates this idea. Note that for the applicability of the models, it does not matter whether the response time is defined to be the time of the moment of detection of the incident or the time from the moment the alarm call reaches emergency personnel. Depending on the event area, the access area may be very compact (if, for instance, the event area is a meadow, the access area might be a square) or not (if, for instance, the event area is in the inner city, the access area might be along the street network). Both situations can be represented by parameters dpqrs without problems. More mathematical formulas, diagrams and several maps are included in the article, for more information on the visual material please consult the article. |
Flood model. We use Dynamic Rapid Flood Spreading Model (DRFSM) for flood dynamics simulation. The model provides data on inundation dynamics in form of impact zones’ flooding.Demand model. Transport demand model gives the information on volumes of transportations between different areas in the city. Agent-based traffic model. Microscopic agent-based traffic model determines a vehicular traffic dynamics in urban areas and belongs to the class of time-stepped models.Dynamic road graph model. Flooding dynamics is translated to traffic model as a dynamical roads’ closing. |
The Role of Simulation and Modeling in Disaster Management. | Summary
A rigorously constructed simulation model of the system will have control variables and performance measures that may be used in constructing the storyline of the narrative and the breakdown into subunits. The use of explicit input variables, context variables and output variables as performance measures provides a metric for evaluation missing in less rigorous approaches to tabletop design. |
Modeling the emergency evacuation of the high rise building based on the control volume model. | Summary
Simulation modelSeven scenarios are analyzed by using the various values of the parameters which influenced the evacuation process in the high rise building including walking speed, coefficient of flow rate and merge flow ratio. |
Building Capacity for Community Disaster Preparedness: A Call for Collaboration Between Public Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness and Response Programs. (Cover story) | Summary
Each interview was transcribed verbatim and analyzed with field notes using grounded theory methods of emerging line-by-line coding to first develop and apply a resulting codebook to all text using NVivo 8, a qualitative data analysis software, to categorize, query, and examine the data. The transcripts were analyzed for emergent themes and supported by critical quotes. |
Multiobjective Model for Emergency Resources Allocation. | Summary
The proposed dynamic emergency rescues allocation model is a typical multi-objective programming model. Similar to above-mentioned optimization location model, the requirements of both objectives should be considered in an integrative way. The model is solved by the ideal point method (IPM) in order to achieve a non-inferior solution with the result of each sub-objective close to the optimum value. Please see the steps and the detailed formula in article. |
Developing Disaster Preparedness Competence: An Experiential Learning Exercise for Multiprofessional Education. | Summary
The exercise had three evaluation processes. First, a criterion referenced written test on the content of the lectures, prereadings, and exercises to measure the extent to which the first objective, understanding key concepts, had been accomplished. The pretest and posttest were identical, and at the debriefing, before the posttest, we went over the answers to the questions. We believed that this would reduce stress and, by multiple repetitions of key points, serve as a tool to teach thepoints we wanted the students to remember. The results of the pretest and posttest were analyzed by paired t tests (two-tailed) using SPSS software.Second, written and verbal comments from the students and facilitators about their experience were requested. The third measure was an attitude scale, whose purpose was to assess changes in student attitudes about working with other professionals and about their roles in a disaster. The analysis of these results revealed that the attitude instrument did not have adequate reliability, and thus we do not have valid data regarding the attainment of Objective 4. |
Space-enabled information environment for crisis management. Scenario-based analysis and evaluation in an operational environment | Summary
Comparison of results allows evaluation of actual efficiency of employing space systems into crisis management operations |
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Die Portfolio of Solutions Website wurde ursprünglich im Rahmen des DRIVER+ Projekts entwickelt. Heute wird das Service von der AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. zum Nutzen des europäischen Krisenmanagements betrieben. PoS ist vom Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) sowie von den H2020-Projekten STAMINA und TeamAware befürwortet und unterstützt. |