Publication | Findings |
Simulation for team training and assessment: case studies of online training with virtual worlds | 1st Study: Training sessions conducted with students/interns randomly assigned either to human-patient simulator (HPS) or to a virtual world (VW). Additionally, trainees were given pretest and posttest cases, where experienced clinicians observed the performance and assigned scores.2nd Study:Teams were composed of experienced paramedics, EMT team members, and ED physicians. Satisfaction survey completed in the end of the sessions + focus group discussion.3rd Study:Participants were physicians and nurses, who were evaluated on 2 different groups with debriefing sessions and surveys + open discussion. |
Simulation for ward processes of surgical care | Identifying end-users in order to allow tailoring of resources to the intended audience, such as ward design, the choice of equipment, funding sources.For successful simulations, during the planning phase, careful consideration should be given to the physical space, furnishing, staff, space for teaching and office activities, space for observational equipment including audio, video recording capability, appropriate electronic and networking connections. |
Simulation-assisted burn disaster planning. | A draft of a national burn response plan was developed in a consensus meeting process between the two national burn centres (Linkoping and Uppsala) and the regional disaster preparedness organizations of the two county councils (Ostergotland and Uppsala). The plan was based on national laws and regulations for disaster medicine preparedness for peacetime and the regional command and control system for major incidents. One important part of the plan was a designated national point of contact with a mandate to coordinate all burn care and directly convey expert support or patient distribution support to the affected county council concerning burns.Two simulations were conducted. |
Situation awareness and virtual globes: Applications for disaster management | Software Development:Implicit information processing functions of the CDA are based on the use of geocoding algorithms, automated reasoning procedures, and disaster ontologies to extract geographic and thematic references from web documents referenced from real simple syndication (RSS) feeds. RSS feeds are used as a primary information source as they are an increasingly used format for web content publication and are easy to access computationally due to their XML structur.Upon retrieving an RSS feed, results found by the CDA’s geographic text extraction and geocoding process are rendered in KML and presented in Google Earth using a network link object connected to the CDA information processing server.If an origin point is established, connection line thickness indicates the frequency of place references in a document. The geographic scales of entities found (country, city, county, town etc.) are represented using point symbol shapes. Line and point transparencies indicate how old a document is relative to when the KML was created by the CDA.These visual encoding strategies are used to help disaster managers to remove potentially irrelevant or unneeded information by providing a quick information overview through visual cues. |
Space-enabled information environment for crisis management. Scenario-based analysis and evaluation in an operational environment | There are three scenarios conducted. More information related with this section can be found in section “data analysis”.Case 1: earthquake and international aidCase 2: flood and personal rescueCase 3: rail accident |
State Mandate Influences on FEMA-Approved Hazard-Mitigation Plans Under the Disaster Management Act of 2000. | Comparison of Mitigation Action Plan (MAP) and FEMAs State Planning Mandates on Hazard Mitigation DMA2K |
Striving to be resilient: What concepts, approaches and practices should be incorporated in resilience management guidelines? | In order to evaluate the concepts, approaches and practices and to decided which should be included into guidelines for resilience management a 2 cycle modified Delphi process was conducted. |
Study of efficiency of USAR operations with assistive technologies. | The evaluation was performed by professional USAR workforces of the THW and in particular of the Rapid Deployment Unit for Salvage operations Abroad (SEEBA) which is trained for assistance in international disaster response. |
Supporting collaborative sense-making in emergency management through geo-visualization. | Design implementation phases:Java system prototypeWeb-based prototype |
Supporting community emergency management planning through a geocollaboration software architecture. | Interviews with experts and literature reviewDefinition of software requirementsSoftware designObservation of a meetings for preparedness of an airplane crash at a local airport.And several other observations of community activities that involve emergency management planning. |
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Il sito web Portfolio of Solutions è stato inizialmente sviluppato nell'ambito del progetto DRIVER+. Oggi, il servizio è gestito da AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, a beneficio della gestione europea delle . PoS è approvato e supportato dal Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) così come dai progetti STAMINA e TeamAware H2020. |