Faciliate matching of CDM solutions to capability needs (DRIVER+)
- Faciliate expressing the practitioners needs and Gaps.
- Faciliate the understanding of these needs by owners, so that they can develop and advertise the innovative Solutions resolving them.
- Faciliate discovering of the innovative Solutions addressing the needs and Gaps.
Forest fires: fire ecology (DRMKC)
Understanding ecosystem's vulnerability and potential to adapt to such changes can help developing proactive and post-fire regeneration strategies.
Forest fires: fire meteorology and danger rating (DRMKC)
Danger rating index is an important real time indicator for the fire fighters. It sums up constant (fuels, topography) and variable (weather) factors that affect the initiation, spread and difficulty of control, and subsequent fire damage of wildfires on an area in a single number that can be easily visualised and used for early alerting.
Adequate collaboration and communication guidelines and methodology (STAMINA)
management is a collective effort encompassing various organisations that to work seamlessly together across domain and administrative borders.
Cross-agency decision support tools (STAMINA)
management in the recent COVID-19 pandemics has been impeded by lack of coherence between decision making in different agencies and at different levels.
Resource management during long-term response operations (DRIVER+)
Insufficiencies in terms of resource management (human resources, hardware, etc.) during multi-stakeholder long-term operations.
Forest fires: fire spatial and temporal patterns (DRMKC)
Management actions and deployment of resources to deter fires are based on where and how fires occur. Understanding what makes an area to be particularly prone to burn or not is not only important for conserving its values and resources but also for preventing that future management actions, particularly in areas were fires accumulate, do not result in increased vulnerability to wildfires.
Contact tracing and backtracing (STAMINA)
Contact tracing (also known as partner notification) is a primary means of controlling infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Contact tracing has also played an important role in controlling the COVID-19 spread. Backtracing is similar to contact tracing, but concentrates on tracing back the movements of infected persons. Similar functionality may be required in other types of , e.g.
Training and assessing the level of preparedness (STAMINA)
the individuals and organisations and testing their level increases the and exposes the shortcomings that to be handled.
Secure cross-agency documentation, sharing and tracking (STAMINA)
Efficient and secure sharing of the data necessary for decision making has proven to be challenging in the recent COVID-19 .
Forest fires: social aspects (DRMKC)
Understanding how the changes in social and economic characteristics of the population can create conditions of increased fire across the various regions and countries, is a prerequisite to reduce the level of exposure of local communities through better landscape planning.
Adequate communication technology for crisis management (STAMINA)
Recent COVID-19 has demonstrated that EU states have so far failed to endorse a solid pandemics/epidemics communication methodology, develop clear guidelines and enforce use of these guidelines in crisis situations.
As a result, the communication was often haphazard, with different organizations and authorities occasionally disagreeing in their assessments of the situation and recommendations.
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Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects. |