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Procedures that participants follow (INEGMA-E²)

An evaluator needs to know why participants do certain things and whether they follow their own procedures, which are different from those of the evaluator's country, or whether they have no procedures but improvise.

Overcoming language barriers in exercise evaluation (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

Communication is a relevant factor in collaboration when carrying an exercise into execution. In order to provide a basis for a communication, that makes the integration of all participants possible, language barriers have to be taken into consideration.


Metsatulekahjud: tule ruumilised ja ajalised mustrid (DRMKC)

Ohjemeetodid ja ressursside kasutamine tulekahjude ära hoidmiseks sõltuvad tulekahjude tekkekohast ja -viisist. Arusaamine, mis teeb piirkonnast eriti tuleohtliku või mitte, on oluline mitte ainult selle väärtuste ja ressursside säilitamiseks, vaid ka tulevaste ohjemeetodite põhjustatava suurema haavatavuse vältimiseks; seda eriti piirkondades kus tulekahjud akumuleeruvad.



Adequate collaboration and communication guidelines and methodology (STAMINA)

Crisis management is a collective effort encompassing various organisations that need to work seamlessly together across domain and administrative borders.


Metsatulekahjud: tule ökoloogia (DRMKC)

Ökosüsteemi haavatavuse ja muudatustega kohandumise potentsiaali mõistmine võib olla abiks ennetavate kaitsemeetmete ja tulekahjujärgsete regenereerimise strateegiate välja töötamisel.



Metsatulekahjud: sotsiaalsed aspektid (DRMKC)

Arusaamine sellest, kuidas elanikkonna sotsiaalsete ja majanduslike näitajate muutumine võib luua tingimused suuremaks tuleohuks erinevates piirkondades ja riikides, on eelduseks kohalike kogukondade kokkupuute vähendamisele läbi parema maastikuplaneerimise.

Capabilities and expertise of the observers (INEGMA-E²)

Evaluators need to be aware of the topic that shall be evaluated, knowledge is needed on how to evaluate. 

Examples of topics: CBRN, wildfire, flooding.

If participants don't have knowledge about the observer’s knowledge and capabilities and expertise, they will lose trust.


To find out if the exercise was conducted in an optimal way and if the plan of the exercise was respected.

SOP for the evaluator (INEGMA-E²)

  • SOPs for defining methodology and proces of the evaluation based on its type
  • defining the methodology (literature review, interview, observation, etc.) 
  • should cover all phases of exercise planning/execution
  • model for a final report

Evaluators Assessment (INEGMA-E²)

Evaluators should be from a correct field/have to have expertise in the specific area. If an evaluator of a process is needed, then a generalistic approach would work. Evaluators of evaluators need to have skills in management and processes. Activities from organisational work are needed as well as understanding of evaluation processes.

  • (National/Critical Infrastructure) Sensible Information Security
  • Quality management of the evaluation

Overview of an exercise for evaluators (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

When conducting an exercise, evaluators play an important role in examining the workflow of the exercise. For them having information about the general setup of the exercise is necessary.

Clear objectives for the exercise (INEGMA-E²)

Without clearly defined objectives it’s impossible to measure if the exercise was successful or not. They are necessary to give value to an exercise.

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.