Publication | Findings |
Challenges in coordination: differences in perception of civil and military organizations by comparing international scientific literature and field experiences. | - systematic literature review using the Scopus database- filtering process after the retrieval of resources were inspired by PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, a systematic way of reporting scientific literature)12 semi-structured interviews were carriedThe interviewees had taken part in international disaster response operations providing either humanitarian assistance following natural disasters or in peacekeeping operations in a disaster setting, involving civil–military coordinationHalf of the interviewees worked for the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), which is the largest Swedish civil responder to disasters |
Comparing four operational SAR-based water and flood detection approaches. | Comparison of:œ Water Mask Processor (WaMaPro); œ Rapid Mapping of Flooding (RaMaFlood); œ TSX Flood Service (TFS); œ TanDEM-X Water Indication Mask processor (TDX WAM). |
Computer-based collaborative training for transportation security and emergency response | To assess the effectiveness of the computer-based, collaborativetraining (CCT), a total of four transportation security mock drillswere conducted from 2004 to 2006 with participation andcooperation from the Indiana Department of TransportationTo assess Indianas Department of Transportation INDOT performance in meeting the six objectives of emergency operations, a checklist was developed and given to the evaluation team. |
Context-based automatic reconstruction and texturing of 3D urban terrain for quick-response tasks. | Presentation of a robust, modular algorithm for context-based urban terrain modeling from sensor datawe proposed and described an automatic and a semi-automatic method for pose estimationAlgortihm for: geometric reconstruction, roof analysis and visibility analysis and texturing processes, to synthesise data |
Context-Specific, Scenario-Based Risk Scales. | Development of the Context-Specific, Scenario-Based Risk Scales MethodTwo online to test the developed methodImprovement of the Method2.Survey to test the methodological improvements. |
Conventional Medical Education and the History of Simulation in Radiology | Part-task trainers, computer-enhanced mannequins (CEM), virtual reality simulators, and PACS simulators. |
Crisis leadership in an acute clinical setting: christchurch hospital, new zealand ICU experience following the february 2011 earthquake. | The interviews were conducted in locations of convenience to the participants where privacy was able to be carefully maintained. |
Crisis Management Dilemmas: Differences in Attitudes towards Reactive Crisis Communication Strategies among Future Business Professionals in Croatia | 2 Samples of undergraduate seniors [business school students and public relations students] |
Cross-domain integrating and reasoning spaces for offsite nuclear emergency response. | Furthermore, with a fictive nuclear accident scenario, the relevant CDIRS spaces and ordering rules are constructed, and then the appropriate cross-domain integrated response solution is obtained and verified effectively by reasoning and simulating in the CDIRS modelA fictitious example (the scenario ‘‘A” shown in Fig. 1) is used here to illustrate the principle and the implementation process of CDIRS: In this scenario, a disaster chain is caused by a nuclear accident ‘‘cooling system failing”; and it has rapidly evolved from ‘‘core melting” to ‘‘containment broken”, and then from ‘‘containment broken” to ‘‘radiation leaking” event which may cause a large number of casualties. |
Culpable leaders, trust, emotional exhaustion, and identification during a crisis. | three-year old, not-for-profit organization that provided educational entertainment to its visitors.The organization had to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy because, despite initial high attendance, the number of paying customers declined and the organization was not able to pay its debts to the bondholders and the city that had funded the organization. |
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Die Portfolio of Solutions Website wurde ursprünglich im Rahmen des DRIVER+ Projekts entwickelt. Heute wird das Service von der AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. zum Nutzen des europäischen Krisenmanagements betrieben. PoS ist vom Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) sowie von den H2020-Projekten STAMINA und TeamAware befürwortet und unterstützt. |